Avui és el dia.

Avui és el dia.
"Sing, sing at the top of your voice, Love without fear in your heart. Feel, feel like you still have a choice...If we all light up we can scare away the dark"

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013


...Tinc pendent veure aquest documental...: "Searching for Sugar Man" que em va recomanar l´Àlex, fa temps (¡¡¡¡Tienes que verlo guapa . Tienes que verlo ya!!!!)
Jeje. ok.
Ahir un amic me´l va tornar a recomanar.
L´hauré de veure.
En sé poca cosa. Sé que va d´un músic... que va estar desaparegut molt de temps. Que les seves cançons agradaven molt... i ell ni ho sabia. No?? (corrígeme si no es así)
De moment avui, per començar el dia, he escoltat una cançó seva "I wonder" (ell es diu Sixto Rodriguez). I us la recomano.
És heavy lo que ens fa la música eh. Com ens anima un dimarts de pluja. Com ens pot fer ser positius. O plorar desconsoladament. Com ens pot canviar una nit de diumenge a la cuina (eh Anni?).
Com un dissabte es converteix...en un Saturday Night Fever!....Quan arribes a aquell bar nou...i sonen els primers acords d´una cançó... i somrius. I penses "Que bé, aquest l´hem encertat"

I wonder how many times you've been had

And I wonder how many plans have gone bad

I wonder how many times you had sex

I wonder do you know who'll be next

I wonder l wonder wonder I do

I wonder about the love you can't find

And I wonder about the loneliness that's mine

I wonder how much going have you got

And I wonder about your friends that are not

I wonder I wonder I wonder I do

I wonder about the tears in children's eyes

And I wonder about the soldier that dies

I wonder will this hatred ever end

I wonder and worry my friend

I wonder I wonder wonder don't you?

I wonder how many times you been had

And I wonder how many dreams have gone bad

I wonder how many times you've had sex

And I wonder do you care who'll be next

I wonder I wonder wonder I do

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